Monday, November 18, 2013

And here it is!  Not even really on its knees yet but, here it is.

Tormented by the many thoughts banging around in my head and inspired by my friend's blog, Polite Company, I've decided to give this blogging thing a try.  I'm not even really sure of what my goal here is yet except to attempt to express some of my thoughts in a cogent enough way that I can be agreed or disagreed with by my peers, friends, random strangers and, of course, trolls.

If I'm to be honest this also exercises the ego a bit doesn't it?  Somewhere inside I have to think that what I'm going to write is worth someone else's time or taking my own time to do this wouldn't make much sense.  Me and a few million other bloggers...

I'm going to be as honest as I can.  At least as honest as I can be without compromising the privacy of those in my life.  I intend to take a critical look at many of the general foundations of our society.  To do that effectively I'll have to examine my own biases and assumptions which I believe need to be constantly challenged if we are to be truly self-aware.  This means that I can guarantee that, at some point, you're probably not going to like what I say.  That's OK.  One of the things I intend to write about is how we seem to have lost the ability to respectfully disagree with one another.  Regardless, I will attempt to be respectful but there are a couple of subjects, specifically religion, where I anticipate a bumpy road.  I'm interested to see what happens when I write something on that subject.

While my computer can hide most spelling mistakes I may make, nothing can hide my shortcomings in the grammar department.  I'm going to have to find a good book on grammar before I get too far down this road I think.  I welcome (beg for) constructive, respectful feedback in this area.

So this is me, pulling out on to this road with no headlights.  Let's see what I crash in to!

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